The Askrigg Sheepshagger

Local Committee Veto Cycleway

Meanwhile farmer Boggins has just laid off the four temporary hands he hired for the summer, and on being offered £3,500 an acre for some meadow by the National trust told them 'Ger orf my land.'

Despite having no cows farmer Boggins has a milk quota which he sells for £38,000 per annum, and nets in the same amount under set aside schemes

Cyclists in Askrigg, spending money

At the latest meeting of Askrigg regeneration trust members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the opening up of the disused railway line as a recreational path. Evidence clearly shows (for instance at Lancaster) how high quality recreational paths are well used and popular, putting up land values and generating income from a much more leisurely tourism than that borne by car. The path would have opened up the Dale to the less energetic walker, the disabled and the cyclist, dovetailing perfectly with the avowed intent of the committee to encourage sustainable development.

Unfortunately the plans were scuppered by Farmer Boggins in cahoots with the chairman, who didn't want the path, preferring instead to plough £150,000 of public money into promoting farm produce, in direct competition with other farms all over the country.