
Instruments of Transport Policy

Mondays 11:00 and 15:00

Objectives: After completing this module, students should understand the potential contribution of all the main instruments available to government in meeting the objectives of transport policy. The students should appreciate how the impact of these instruments can be enhanced when used as part of an integrated strategy.

Syllabus:Major instruments of transport policy

  • The role of information and publicity
  • Investment in new road infrastructure or facilities
  • Investment in public transport (capacity, quality, the case for and against subsidy and regulation)
  • Traffic management and control demand
  • Environmental and safety enhancement measures
  • Enforcement; demand management through pricing or reallocation of capacity
  • Integration of policy measures
  •  Form of teaching: Lectures 15 x 1hr PLUTO Classes 5 x 1hr Revision Classes 1 x 1hr 20hrs coursework, 14hrs reading, 20hrs revision.

    Form of assessment: Coursework (1000 word essay on PLUTO at end of semester) 25% 1.5hr exam at end of semester 75%