Useful page (and a bit) on Cities.
Further to R.Unsworth's 4th lecture on Urban Development, this page represents the best of a web search for articles about major cities, and population growth.
According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Bureau of the Census, the total population of the World, projected to 17th Feb, at 8:48:22 GMT is 6,129,114,692.
This chart starts on July 1st 2000 with a population of 6,080,141,683 and finishes on July 1st with 6,157,400,560.
This equates to an increase of about 2.45 per second. Remember this and the rest can be calculated (incidentally the deaths, accounted for in these statistics run to about one every 5 seconds, i.e. a ratio of births to deaths of about 13 :1).
Recommended sites. Is a good site with an essential links page. (The United Nations pages on Urban development were down, but there is more than enough on the sites listed here). One of the links led to, which is a nicely laid out statistics site. When downloading you have to reformat the stuff yourself for word and excel (It looks better on the pages) but these are good examples.
10 million cities 1996
1.Tokyo Japan 26,400,000 2. Mexico City Mexico 18,100,000 3. Bombay India 18,100,000 4. São Paulo Brazil 17,800,000 5. New York USA 16,600,000 6. Lagos Nigeria 13,400,000 7. Los Angeles USA 13,100,000 8. Calcutta India 12,900,000 9. Shanghai China 12,900,000 10. Buenos Aires Argentina 12,600,000 11. Dhaka Bangladesh 12,300,000 12. Karachi Pakistan 11,800,000 13. Delhi India 11,700,000 14. Jakarta Indonesia 11,000,000 15. Osaka Japan 11,000,000 16. Metro Manila Philippines 10,900,000 17. Beijing China 10,800,000 18. Rio de Janeiro Brazil 10,600,000 19. Cairo Egypt 10,600,000
10 million cities 2015
1.Tokyo Japan 26,400,000 2. Bombay India 26,100,000 3. Lagos Nigeria 23,200,000 4. Dhaka Bangladesh 21,100,000 5. São Paulo Brazil 20,400,000 6. Karachi Pakistan 19,200,000 7. Mexico City Mexico 19,200,000 8. New York USA 17,400,000 9. Jakarta Indonesia 17,300,000 10. Calcutta India 17,300,000 11. Delhi India 16,800,000 12. Metro Manila Philippines 14,800,000 13. Shanghai China 14,600,000 14. Los Angeles USA 14,100,000 15. Buenos Aires Argentina 14,100,000 16. Cairo Egypt 13,800,000 17. Istanbul Turkey 12,500,000 18. Beijing China 12,300,000 19. Rio de Janeiro Brazil 11,900,000 20. Osaka Japan 11,000,000 21. Tianjin China 10,700,000 22. Hyderabad India 10,500,000 23. Bangkok Thailand 10,100,000 source:
Finally, an up to date address by Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme to the World Affairs Councils of America entitled "Tackling Global Poverty: Are we winning or losing?" on 11 January 2001 New York contains the following text.
" We must always remember that poverty is much more than just a lack of money: it is a denial of rights, of opportunities, of hope for the future. And it bears many faces.
It is about the dirt poor, but relatively well fed farmer who comes to the city to look for work and who might suddenly receive a real income of sorts, but nevertheless be forced into life in a dark, unhealthy slum, unable to get enough food on the table for his family."