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GEOG2600 Health people & place: Lecture 4 (Dorling)
Peter Haggett - The Geographical Structure of Epidemics
In place of ‘your chances of dying today’.
A lecture in 4 parts, for source see Haggett, 2000, The Geographical Structure of Epidemics, Oxford: Clarendon Press (or numerous other publications by Haggett - see reading list too).
Four Parts
- Epidemics as Diffusion Waves
- Epidemics on Small Islands
- Global Origins and Dispersals
- Containing Epidemic Spread
1. Epidemics as Diffusion Waves
Haggett identifies 3 types of diffusion (expansion, relocation, cascade)
August Losch (prices 1939/54), Torsten Hagerstrand (ideas 1953/67), Haggett (employment 1969, disease 1970 WHO)
Epidemic ‘upon’ ‘people’ - either propagated (chain transmission) or common-vehicle (i.e. contamination)
The Burden of Communicable disease
- Globally kills 16.4 million people a year (heart disease kills 9.7 million).
- Diarrhoea kills 3 million children a year (1.8 billion episodes). Measles 2 million people a year
- The rhinovirus causes the largest number of infections in the USA a year (125 million) but with the lowest ‘kill ratio’.
Measles: disease of choice
Used to study epidemics as it is the simplest infectious disease as:
- 1: virologically: Virus identified in 1954 - no intermediate host/vector required, virus does not mutate.
- 2: epidemiologically: distinctive waves.
- 3: clinically: readily identified by spots in the mouth (99% of cases identified).
- 4: statistically: high rate of incidence leads to large number of cases.
- 5: geographically: disease is spread worldwide - but behaves differently in isolated communities compared to large cities.
- 6: mathematically - first studied in 1888 by D’Enko on rates in a St. Peterburg boarding school.
Modeling measles
- Hammer Soper model developed in 1906 - contains susceptibles, infectives, recovered, births, infection rate, etc...
- Critical community size for measles to survive constantly is 250,000 to 300,000
- Effected by population density and vaccination levels.
- Reintroduction is via disease reservoirs, but the rate depends on geography too.
2. Epidemics on Small Islands
Islands make for easy science - i.e. Galapagos 1835. Seen as laboratories.
Diseases invade and colonize islands just as Darwin discovered larger species to.
In 1966 a log/log relationship between island population and disease free time was found.
Islands smaller than Hawaii had waves.
Iceland as key laboratory
- Perfect size and population distribution
- No circular road until 1945 - and island of islands, in the mid-Atlantic Ocean.
- birth and disease records since 1751 allow 200 years of study - best data set.
- Fine scale of data - monthly by 50 areas. And a great deal of demographic change.
Measles in Iceland
- 93,000 cases 1840 to 1990, 99% of these in 19 distinct epidemic waves.
- The wave of 1904 was begun by Whaler ship crew and ignited in a church service.
- It involved an ‘index case’, quarantine an analysis of the epidemic.
- Different wave patterns depended on population size, travel and behaviour.
Generalizations over time
- Waves in Iceland changed from being local to regional to national - with air transport and the growth of Reykjavik.
- They peak in May (thaw) and June (haymaking) rather than winter (Europe)
- The modeling has not been hugely successful and has been largely of the past (my reading, not Haggett’s).
Measles in Fiji
- 14 waves from 1875 to 1982 - from widely spaced to smaller and frequent.
- Reservoir cities and regions around the Pacific (of 250,000+) rose from 4 in 1850 to 12 in 1900 to 40 by 1950.
- The 1875 first ever outbreak is infamous - brought by the returning royal family having just become a British colony.
Fiji - Death rate in virgin soils
- From Fiji and other cases the rate is thought to be 1 in 5 of the population.
- 100,000 people were infected in Fiji - normal life breaks down. Deaths from other causes rise (dysentery/starvation).
- Rates of 25% recorded in Alaska in 1900 and of isolated American Indians 1952+
- Later in Fiji steamships reduced cases on board needed from 5/6 generations to 2.
3. Global origins and dispersals
In the 1970s smallpox was eradicated but new infectious diseases emerge just as quickly - AIDS any many others.
To understand why more diseases are emerging now than ever before requires a global viewpoint and long time-scale.
AIDS, Lyme disease, legionnaires disease, toxic shock syndrome all first recognised in USA in recent years.
The historical evidence for the origins of disease
- 8000 mummified Egyptian bodies are largely all we have before the historical record (e.g. around 1500BC a picture of a priest with a leg shriveled by polio).
- However, DNA studies can spot genes in West African’s that protect people from Malaria.
A theoretical argument
- Diseases that require threshold populations of 300,000 can only be 2000 years old (i.e. Measles).
- Domestication of animals may be key also as many diseases cross-over.
- The topics have a greater diversity of viruses just as they have of all species.
- Old and new world diseases, like plants and animals were distinct (Andes 1585).
Geography’s contribution
- Improved transport is critical - it collapses geographical barriers.
- Demographic growth also vital
- land use change may also be key
- global warming may be a fourth reason why we are seeing more diseases now.
Geography of Demography
- World population growth from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 5 billion in 1988 is a rate unprecedented - many more susceptible.
- Relocation of growth is towards the tropics - highest microbiological diversity.
- The growth is increasingly concentrated in cities (25 have over 11 million people).
Changing land use & warming
- Agricultural expansion and abandonment both linked to new diseases + dam building helps spread some diseases.
- Global warming increases the area many diseases can reach (i.e. malaria) - but could also reduce winter indoor crowding and greater susceptibility.
- Shanty town / refugee camp growth provide long and short term areas of very high susceptibility to disease outbreak.
Travel is the largest change
- Within your grandparents lifetime travel has changed out of all recognition.
- 20% of travelers get diarrhoea; 0.001% polio - malaria has occurred in Geneva.
- Doubling aircraft size quadruples infection risk amongst passengers.
- No part of the globes population is more than a few hours travel time away.
4. Containing Epidemic Spread
Spatial control:
- isolate to safe areas
- quarantine areas of outbreak
- create cordon sanitaire (i.e. foot & mouth)
Non-spatial control
Local Elimination
- Vaccinate so that fewer susceptibles than basic population needed to sustain (50% makes it 1 million, 90% makes it 25m.).
- Defensive Isolation - quarantino = 40 days. Offensive - culling foxes for rabies.
- Ring control strategy - Tinline’s (PhD) suggested vaccinate from 20km inwards for cattle in event of foot and mouth.
Global eradication
- Smallpox last case outside labs - October 1977 - only global WHO success.
- Mass vaccination then selective vaccination- last case in Somalia.
- However smallpox was severe enough to ‘bother’, had no animal reservoir, was easily identified, spread by face to face contact, no prolonged carriers, only one serotype and a stable vaccine available.
Other Diseases more difficult - medecine and politics combine
- Measles - vaccine only 80% effective.
- Polio - only 15% reported and too little money in countries where it remains and short-sighted policies from rich countries - since 1977 the United States saved its total contribution to eradicating smallpox every 26 days. It will not pay for polio.
- Spatial barriers are now less effective.
- rapid reporting is now critical (weekly).
- Growing disease lists make reporting hard. Legal problems with vaccination, identification and quarantine growing.
- Models grow in use to spot aberration.
- Socioeconomic factors will also come to the fore - WHO ICD10 cause Z 59.5 now biggest global killer: "extreme poverty".